Biscottini Al Cocco
100 gr. zucchero di canna
1/2 tazza di latte(normale, soia o riso)
2 cucchiai di olio di mais o di soia
2 cucchiai di farina gf mix C
1 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci (per dire il vero, non ho capito a che cosa serviva perche non sono lievitati durante la cottura, la prossima volta io non lo metterò)
200 gr. di cocco grattuggiato
circa 15 nociole tostate
Acendere il forno a 140°. Unire il latte con lo zucchero, aggiungere l'olio, poi la farina mix C e battere con una forchetta fino ad incorporarla bene. Aggiungere il cocco grattuggiato ed il lievito e girare con il cucchiaio di legno. Prendere delle piccole palline con le mani, appiattirli sopra la mano, apogiare una nocciola nel centro e chiudere la pallina. Apogiare le palline di cocco su una teglia ricoperta da carta da forno ed infornare per circa 20-25 minuti. Quando sono pronti, si dovrebbero lasciare a raffreddare completamente, perche ancora caldi sono molto soffici e si rompono facilmente. Si induriscono quando si raffreddano.
Sweet and Soft Coconut Balls
100 gr. confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp corn oil
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp cake flour
200 gr. flacked coconut
about 15 toasted hazelnuts
Preheat oven to 140°C. Line a cookie sheet with a baking paper.
In a large mixing bowl combine the sugar with the oil and the milk. Add the flour and whisk until well combined, add the coconut and the baking powder. Stir well with a wooden spoon.
Shape a small balls from the batter, flat it onto your hand, place 1 hazelnut in the center and close the ball. Pour onto the prepared cookie sheet. Bake about 20-25 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack, because when the balls are still warm are very soft and it's very easy to break them. When the cookies are cooled, pour each into a small paper cups and serve with a cup of coffee!
1/2 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp corn oil
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp cake flour
200 gr. flacked coconut
about 15 toasted hazelnuts
Preheat oven to 140°C. Line a cookie sheet with a baking paper.
In a large mixing bowl combine the sugar with the oil and the milk. Add the flour and whisk until well combined, add the coconut and the baking powder. Stir well with a wooden spoon.
Shape a small balls from the batter, flat it onto your hand, place 1 hazelnut in the center and close the ball. Pour onto the prepared cookie sheet. Bake about 20-25 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack, because when the balls are still warm are very soft and it's very easy to break them. When the cookies are cooled, pour each into a small paper cups and serve with a cup of coffee!
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